10 Tips To Rent Your Unfurnished Property Long Term
Tips To Renting Out Your Unfurnished Property Are Easy To Follow
A little time, effort and maybe a bit of cash and the rewards can speak for themselves. Attracting short term or long term renters have many things in common and a few key differences.
Here you will find the ways to attract renters on a long term basis
If you would like to know if long term or short term renters are best for you, then you might want to read this post here
To know how to rent out a furnished apartment long term click here
As you may know, there is market for everything
How To Rent Out An Unfurnished Apartment
We have actively been involved in renting long term property for numerous years.
We have rented out glorious villas decked out with expensive furnishings on some stunning hillsides, and we have rented unfurnished studio apartments in the city centers.
Here at the best tips for renting out an unfurnished property
1. Take Pride in the Property
No one wants to live in a s**t hole. As a landlord, you cannot afford to take a lackadaisical approach to your responsibilities.
Yes, you might be the king of the castle and view your ’empty’ property as nothing more than a means to an end, but if you are not ‘proud’ of it, then neither will your potential customers.

It is unlikely that you will be the person showing the prospects around the property, as you may well have the services of an agency to do it for you, but if you want to rent it, then follow the advice below:
2. Clean Clean Clean
A decent cleaner will charge you €10 per hour, and it is excellent money well spent. Have them get everywhere. As there is not furniture, it will not be too difficult.
Inside the cupboards and wardrobes, the kitchen cabinets. Absolutely everywhere.
As we all know, some properties that have stayed empty for any length of time can get a bit whiffy. The water in the taps may have gone stagnant and the toilets will need flushing.
Clean the windows (inside and out) and if you have shutters then clean them while they are down. The more you clean, the better the ‘feel’ will be for the prospective renter.
On the adverse side, it may be the exact property they are looking for but if it is in right state, they may well decline the deal, or hit you for a reduced price.
3. Maintenance
Here’s the deal. The property needs to be a turn key option if at all possible.
Yes, it has been known for deals to be struck with tenants that may on the outset seem a little bizarre. I know of one that rented an apartment for peanuts providing the renters installed a new kitchen!!
It worked out very well. The renters got a cheap deal, the owner got a new kitchen. These kind of deals are always possible, but not the easiest thing to market and negotiate. But possible.
Make sure everything works, from the doorbell to the electric blinds, the air conditioner to the water boiler
4. Painting and Decorating
Due to our lovely climate, we don’t suffer too much with damp, but if the place has been shut for a while and we have had rain…
No one, except maybe a lunatic, will happily move into a property that has black and green mould around the windows, on the ceiling or running cross the walls.

I wouldn’t and neither would you.
The cost of repainting an apartment is obviously less than a six bedroom villa, but it can all be reflected in the rental price.
Be honest with yourself about whether it needs a coat of paint.
If you think it does and you need to get some quotes, then ask us here and we will happily arrange for a few for you. We only work with people that we know and trust and we will oversee the work as it goes.
If it doesn’t need a paint then excellent.
5. Electrical Items
We are in 2020 so whether we like it or not, people do love gadgets and to have the comforts that are affordable today.
Of course, they are not always available and not always the cheapest things to have, but below is a short list of things that you might consider adding to your property.
They all build value and give you an edge over the competition.
6. Air conditioning
– hot and cold: You be surprised to know that many residents of the Costa del Sol rarely, if ever put the air conditioner on.
Living permanently on the coast is different to a short visit for a week long holiday. People on a 7-day trip will , as if under instructions from a greater power, leave the aircon on all day.
I am in Spain so it must be hot. Because it’s hot I must put the air conditioner on, even if I am going to freeze my b***s off!
Never heard but thought millions of times
Still, make sure that the units are all in working order and that they are fully gassed and ready to go. Have the cleaner give the vents a clean with a sterile cloth

7. Alarm System:
A tricky one if I’m honest. The alarms systems of today can have cameras that will take snapshots of the property inside if the alarm is triggered.
I have the same system in my home and have had it for years although on a quiet day, I will often find myself waving at the camera.
I know that no one is looking but your tenants may be a little paranoid about it. If you have an alarm already installed, ask them if they would like it activated.
If yes, give them the fobs and access codes (and include the monthly service fee in the cost of the rental…people like ‘free’ stuff…even if its not free)
No?, then a quick call to the alarm company will deactivate and render it useless. You may consider offering to remove the sensors and cameras to give them peace of mind.
8. Other Stuff
My friend has a fridge that can operated by an app on his phone. I still have no idea why you would want this or even what it does, but such things seem to build value.
I am not saying you should run out and buy a all singing and dancing fridge, as perhaps the renters already have their own but if you have one, then its a selling point.
The same thing goes for music being piped throughout the house, electric blinds, underfloor heating, ambient lighting etc., all controlled by a central iPad looking thing.
All plusses, all build value and all can be included in the rental price. Do not go out and buy them as they cost a fortune, but if you have them they can be a great way of bumping up the price and putting you ahead of the competition.
9. Floor plans:
If you have a complete and current set of floor plans, then. have them available when anyone comes to view the property. They will have furniture and they will be thinking “Where can I put my antique Elizabethan chest of drawers?”
A set of floor plans will help them immensely picture where their furniture will go and if they start telling each other what will go where it is a good sign.
Finally, the most essential item on the list.
10. WIFI:
What would we do without the internet? Everything we have today revolves around the unseen waves of information that fly across the rooms where we will.
In a perfect world, your property is geared up for a wired in for super fast broadband. If it isn’t find out if you can get it installed.
I for one, would insist on having it, as my livelihood sort of depends on it (as does many others too).
If it was included in the rent? What a bonus.
The renters will pay for the utilities, this is standard, but high speed internet included!. Remember, the monthly cost can be built into the rental price so it will not eat into your profits.
At the end of the day, if you want to rent your property long term then all of the above are merely suggestions, but are based on experience. If you need any further help or advice, or would like us to rent your property on your behalf, then simply hit the button below and we will call you as soon as we can.
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