Rent Your Property in Spain DIY
Five DIY Tips To Rent Your Property in Spain
To rent your property in Spain with a bit of Do It Yourself can be quite easy. All you need is a bit of patience and renting your Spanish property on your own can be quite profitable.
Buying a property on the south coast of Spain can turn a decent profit if you are willing to make it a ‘business’ and you are willing to put a little bit of effort into the process.
Why DIY?
The alternative to renting your property under your own steam is to employ the services of a property rental company. Yes, it makes life easier, the money comes in regularly and 99% of all the hassle and hard work is taken away from you.
Your property produces a return and you can get on with the rest of your life knowing your holiday property here on the coast is working for you. But it comes at a financial cost.
For many, the costs incurred by employing a professional company to do all the work, is the cost of doing business. For others…well, lets just say they reckon they can do better!
If renting your apartment needs the services of a property management company then follow go here, and let us get you an idea of what it costs. But as you think you can do just as good a job, and the lovely loot produced by the rentals is worth the effort, here are the five top tips to help make it a reality.
1. Make Your Property As Good As It Can Be
It doesn’t matter if you are offering a studio apartment, or a ten bed villa, you need your customers to have a good experience. There is nothing more satisfying than to have a repeat customer, so remember, it is more than a case of value for money. Give them more than they expect and they will love you for it!
Your property is the asset. Present it in the best condition and in the best style that you can

Beach front villa for rent. Sea views
realistically afford. Before you have your first guest, make sure it is ready to accept them!
Make sure the furniture is in good condition and clean (nothing worse than your customers sinking in to the couch at then end of a hard day sunbathing to find crumbs sticking to them and a strange odour akin to a wet dog hitting their nostrils)
Make sure its clean. In fact make sure its spotless. The windows, under the bed, inside the wardrobes, the terraces, the kitchen cupboards, the terraces…everywhere!
Get connected! The property will make you money. Spend on the best wifi and broadband you can get. It is amazing how many people will forgive and forget the bad stuff, just because the kids can access Facebook quickly.
They will treat it like a hotel, so make sure they have the same information as a hotel would provide. Make sure they know how to access the pool, where the nearest supermarket is, restaurants that are nearby, the phone numbers for a reliable taxi company, and food delivery. Anything and everything you can think of.
2. A Website
For those of you who are tech friendly, this will be obvious and probably a welcome challenge. If you a technophobe then maybe you will close this blog post and go hide under the bed. Don’t worry. Its not as bad as you think.
A website is essential and I am not going to go into why but just trust me on this. Without one you are pretty much doomed to fail.
Regardless of whether you do it yourself or pay your six year old niece to do it for you (just kidding…I think), your website needs to be easy to use for your customers.
Nice photographs, an easy to use booking calendar. good descriptions, things to do nearby, contact page, all the usual suspects.
Which neatly leads me onto number three…
3. Marketing Your Property
You could have the finest property on the coast, at the cheapest price, but if no one knows about it…then it really doesn’t matter does it?!
If I had a hot meal for every time I heard some one say “No problem. I’m going to stick a message on my Golf Club members board back home, and they will be queueing up to stay!” then I would be the size of a small planet.
You may know a lot of people and yes, they may make some bookings, but no where near the point that you will be making enough money to cal it a success. You need to spread the word across the globe, and the only way to do this is is on the internet.
This requires some attention. If you can do it yourself, brilliant. If you need help, then it will cos some money, but the bookings you get will more than compensate for this.
4. Customer Service
“If everyone had to work with the General Public for six months, the world would be a beautiful place” My Mum
In the process of becoming a proficient property renter, you will undoubtedly meet people from all walks of life, who, for just a short time, become a ‘customer’. They make the world go round and they will put money in your bank account.
Make yourself available to them before, during and after their stay.
Before they arrive, a phone call confirming arrival time, number of people in the party, along with any extraordinary requests they may have such as welcome packs, baby cots, taxi from the airport…anything really.

Give them some helpful tips to enjoy their stay
They also get a name to the booking…peace of mind is invaluable for them.
When they arrive at the apartment, you will need to perform what is affectionately known as a ‘Meet & Greet’. An introduction to the apartment, the location of the fuse board, water boiler, washing machine, how the air-con works, pretty much everything, along with the handing over of the keys and instructions for which one is which.
Try not to be caught licking any windows or talking to the fridge during this process
During their stay, and by law, they will need to have a phone number they can call if they need help. It’s a bit like a 24 hour hotline although the vast majority will never call it, you need to be ready to take the calls!!
5. Treat It Like A Business
At the end of the day it’s a pretty simple equation:
Make your property nice→ Present it on a website → Show it to the right people → Make their stay enjoyable → Make some money
The more proficient you become at these steps, the more money you will make!
Like most businesses, you will undoubtedly learn as you go along, make some mistakes.
Make sure your property is legal (registered with the local Ayuntamiento), has the right insurance and has the correct ‘services’ that are now required by law and you are ready to go.
If you need any extra tips, or need some free advice, then you can of course contact us here at Terrasur Homes and we can probably point you in the right direction.
Send us a message here and we will contact you in due course
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